Team building games are one of the best ways of bringing unity to the company. It is essential to develop team-building activities that are engaging and involving so that the staff can be motivated. The following are some of the best team building activities that will help you to strengthen your company;
Building blocks(problematic)
It requires foolscaps and colored markers
You can create a fictional problem or even use real crises that your company may be facing at that time. Bring the team together and place a foolscap and a marker of different colors before every participant.
Make everyone come up with a remedy to the crises, write down on the piece of the foolscap and then hand it over to the person who happens to be on your right-hand side at that time. The person who handed over the foolscap needs to add something on what has been written on how they can solve the issue on the previous idea.
Go on for a few rounds till everyone has written on the sheet of paper. Finally, you brainstorm for possible solutions with the team. You will be surprised by how the results will out to be.
This team activity is very important since it shows how you value everyone’s ideas and solutions. Each person will feel to be part and parcel of the company since they will have contributed ideas on how to solve the crises.
The Unique  book
This activity requires a huge book that is empty.
This activity makes your team spread positive vibes and bring remembrance to the team members as they recall the doings of one another. It aims at having team members note down memorable quotes or write down good things that took place at work, examples where one or some of the staff members has gone out of their way to do something positive or even fun events that happened at work. Since this activity is more of memory collecting, you should do it regularly. It can even be weekly.
It would be best to keep the unique book in a place where it will be accessed easily and by all the team members to come and add to the memories anytime. The instance the book has been used up, the staff can look at the memories before starting a new beginning in a new book.
It is an encouraging task as you will look back in the days to come and see how far your team has come.
The problem tree
It requires a large sheet of paper and pens
The team should be split into small groups, and each team should be given a piece of paper. You are required to instruct them to write down a current problem that the company is facing. The problem should not be about a staff member, but rather it should concern a business or a challenge in the system.
The next thing they should do is write down two things they think are the cause of the problem. Followed by them breaking down each of the two ideas into what they think is the root cause. It should look like an inverted family tree.
Once each group is through, have them present their problem tree and get the others to brainstorm about getting the solution. It can be done by the group asking questions and discussing the answers they get.
This problem tree activity is best at uncovering issues in the company and getting people to brainstorm among themselves for solutions.
The  picture that cannot be seen
It requires paper, pencil/markers, picture collection of everyday items
Give one team member a picture of what you have with you. They are supposed to describe the picture non verbally and ensure that they don’t give it away. The other team members are supposed to draw pictures of what is being described. A time limit of around 2 minutes should be set, and at the end of that period, the team members need to show the rest of the members what they think the item was.
Finally, show them what the real image was. This activity is important as it reveals how the various team players interpreted the instructions. This invisible picture activity builds and strengthens communication skills among the team members.
Who am I?
It requires stickers that have name tags, pencils.
Use stereotypes or note the roles on the name tag. You can come up with things such as doctor, famous artist, a queen among others. Each team member wears the name tags on their back so no one can see what their tag says.
You then let them interact for about 8 minutes as they ask questions that will make the other person get closer to knowing what their tag entails. Each team participant is required to treat the other according to what is on the name tag.
The team member should use the questions to figure out what they are. Those who come up with the correct answer can leave the game as the rest continue.
It is important to the company as the team players will understand how actions are affected by stereotypes.
Fire sale
It requires a tool from every person desk
Each team member is supposed to choose one tool from their table and come to the game.
They then should use that item as their product; therefore, they are required to come up with a logo, write a slogan, and an idea on how they will market the item.
You are then supposed to give the group a few minutes to develop their 60-second sales pitch. Afterward, the person is required to present their item to the rest of the team as if they were offering it for sale. After the pitch, the group should decide on the product’s price according to how the item has been marketed.
Later you get to engage as a group which products were sold successfully and the reason as to why. This activity promotes creativity and sales skills that are important for your company.
Bringing every person together to be productive can be a challenge. Some of the staff may not be interested in participating, but with these team-building games, your members of staff will learn to get along with each other, probem solving and skills in leadership.
These activities usually leave the employees feeling re-energized and eager to work with their teammates.